Dubai, UAE – Watch my I, an innovative entertainment and production company based in Dubai, is thrilled to announce its latest prime time animation series, “The Lightwalker Chronicles.” This groundbreaking series promises to captivate audiences with its unique blend of compelling storytelling, breathtaking visuals, and unforgettable characters, drawing inspiration from iconic shows like the “Star Wars Series” and “Arcane”.
The series follows a socially awkward teenage girl named Alina, who discovers she has the power to instantly travel throughout the universe. As she sets out on an epic intergalactic odyssey to find allies among the fantastical creatures she encounters, she also uncovers the truth behind a legendary rebellion leader, and the mysteries around his sworn enemy, the Cabal of Lightwalkers, a collection of powerful military and political leaders who control the universe.
“We are incredibly excited to bring ‘The Lightwalker Chronicles’ to life,” said Michael Essey, Producer at Watch My I. “This series is poised to be a game-changer in the world of animation, blending high-stakes drama, intricate world-building, and a richly layered narrative that will resonate with viewers of all ages, combining the best elements of science fiction and fantasy with deeply human themes of courage, identity, and the search for belonging, Alina’s journey is one that will inspire and engage audiences, taking them on an epic adventure that transcends the boundaries of space and time.”
The series, currently in the advanced stages of development, boasts a meticulously crafted pilot script, an extensive series bible, and captivating character designs. “The Lightwalker Chronicles” is poised to become a landmark series in the realm.